PIM assists in applying for various government aid programmes for advisory services

The programme “Promotion of Entrepreneurial Know-How” promotes consultations for small and medium-sized enterprises.The enterprises can receive advice from qualified, consultants on all economic, financial, personnel and organisational questions of business management. Likewise, enterprises in difficulty receive a consultancy grant on all issues relating to the restoration of performance and competitiveness.

Firms in difficulty can receive a subsidy for business safeguarding advice on restoring economic performance and competitiveness. In addition, companies in difficulty can receive a subsidy for further follow-up counselling on all economic, financial, personnel and organisational questions of business management in order to deepen the measures of a business continuity counselling.

Existing enterprises may not take up more than five days of counselling. The days do not have to be consecutive. Reporting and travel times may fall outside this time frame.

This limit does not apply to start-ups or enterprises in difficulty. In these cases, the measure can be carried out and accounted for over the entire funding period (maximum 6 months).

The respective funding measure must be carried out as individual counselling; seminars or workshopsare not taken into account. The counselling service must be documented by the counsellor in a written counselling report and signed off by both you and your counsellor.

Contact us and we will be happy to advise you.